Field Service Management System

Web and App Design

Project Overview

This system enables all front-end service engineers / technicians and back-office managers to work in the same virtual office, helping to improve intersectoral collaboration and optimize workflow. On the other hand, the system can collect a lot of information to sort out and analyze the recurrence of the problem, effectively improve the efficiency and service levels.

To redesign of Mizar system, I constructed an outline of the necessary UX practices as below.


UX and UI Designer

Field Service


Design Process

Initial Analysis > Content Inventory > Competitive Analysis > Interview > Sitemap > Wireframe > Prototype > UI Design

Project Management


We designed the millstone, gantt chart, overview of the number of jobs and tasks, status, and search engine. It should have more direct access user information.

Initial Analysis


As a UX designer, I conduct primary researches and interview with our primary users to unveil the painpoints with:

● Lack of Navigation
● Missing Dropdown & Text Input Labels
● Unclear Workflow
● Old-fashion Design

Content Inventory


The redesign process, I had to ensure that our team was focusing on the right section. I was the only UI designer of the team, I had to understand the current field management system so as to find out the pain points.

● Project Management
● Job Management
● Task Management
● Client Management
● Human Resource Management

Competitive Analysis


After analysing the current site and the requirements, we compared other similar systems.

● Functions
● Contents
● Operational Flow
● User Experience
● User Interface
● Unique Selling Point

Stakeholder Interview 


We interviewed the users in person. After hearing their needs and views, we present our idea to them.
● Project Manager
● Worker
● Admin
● Boss
● Human Resources

The Solution

Our team had clear direction and knew the needs of users. We conducted user interview, competitive analysis, site mapping and wireframe to finialise the interface design. The current dashboard was quite useful, and provides a quick overview of the project progress, weather, calendar, announcement. Buttons and icons helped to navigate workflow. Mizar is front-end service engineers / technicians and back-office managers to work in the same virtual office, helping to improve intersectoral collaboration and optimize workflow. The system can collect a lot of information to sort out and analyze the recurrence of the problem, effectively improve the efficiency and service levels to ensure that services agreed with service level.


Transportation Management System (TMS)


Wholesale and Retail System (WRS)